“In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Intergenerational Gathering QMU 2023

I'm delighted to present my graphic recording of The Intergenerational Network Event held at Queen Margaret University Edinburgh. It was a fantastic day filled with remarkable individuals generously sharing their wealth of knowledge.

#intergenerational #qmu #edinburgh #graphicrecording #dementia #artinhealthcare #dementiauk #Alzheimeruk

graphic and fine art artist jennifer swandle from edinburgh scotland uk proudly displays her artwork of the intergenerational event at queen margaret university

The Intergenerational Gathering 2023

artist and graphic recoerder jennifer swandle regularly updates her artitic kit for her graphics. sharpie pens and Rembrandt pastels.

My kit… The Intergenerational Gathering 2023

BOLD Cellebrations Day 2024

Held at The Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh.

I had an incredible day celebrating with the vibrant and imaginative dementia community which is Bold Scotland. During my 15-minute talk, I shared my journey of caring for my mother throughout the challenges of COVID-19, her diagnosis of cancer and dementia, and the eventual journey towards healing. I am immensely grateful to BOLD for giving me the chance to showcase portraits of the wonderful individuals who have been integral to my life over the past year, including my mum.

#dementiauk #Alzheimeruk

Jennifer Swandle Mckay displays her distinctive  beautiful artwork at the Scottish Storytelling Centre EDinburgh for the BOLD Cellebrations day 4th march 2024


BOLD Cellebrations 2024 | Portraits

The portraits of extraordinary individuals, with my mother featured at the bottom of the image. She is the person who initially inspired me to embark on this work, and her ongoing influence continues to do so.

Individual potraits of remarkable people. drawn with pastel, ink, graphite and charcoal. an exhibition for the bold cellebration day at thecotish storytelling centre in Edinburgh.


 Queen Margaret University

A graphic recording capturing 'The East Lothian Climate Hub Launch'.
Insights were captured from the Steering group and the Chair about what the Hub aims to do, accompanied by a series of presentations. The culmination of my graphic recording featured illustrations encapsulating the networking sessions and engaging Q&A interactions. Overall, the event proved to be both interesting and informative, My gratitude is extended to Lil for the opportunity to participate in a wownderful evening.

East Lothian Climate Hub Launch

East Lothian Climate Hub Launch


What a wonderful day we had. Autumn has arrived! My pop-up Creative Art Workshop began in the beautiful Willow Room and Garden, Cockenzie House. The morning was spent exploring a wide range of objects from nature, sea and shore that was connected to the changing season. Dementia Friendly East Lothian was such joy to work with. #dementia

dfel Art morning.

The robin

One of my favourite British garden birds, the little robin red breast. I found out recently that some robins travel as far as Portugal or Spain in winter. In my garden this autumn I seem to have two duelling males. The illustration below is a drawing of a single robin perched on a branch with the Firth of Forth in the background. I have included my favourite East Lothian landmark, The Bass Rock.

#ink #watercolour #bassrock #eastlothian #robin #britishbirds #illustration #wildlife

The John Byrne Award

I submitted this painting as my entry in The John Byrne Award. I paint animals primarily because I love them and of the strong bond we as humans cultivate with them. We care for them and love them, most of time, as we do our cherished family members. #love #painting #johnbyrneaward

The Colour Blue

I'm such lover of the colour blue. Any shade or tone. I am in the process of creating my own shades of blue to use in my harbour and seascape paintings. My favourite so far I have titled ‘Heady Blue. A combination of Violet, French Ultramarine and Titanium white, and with a little something extra added for warmth.

My sketchbook of blue.

A Blue moment in time

Introducing a new colour titled ‘Mckay Blue’.

This is a small painting I did from a photograph that a friend of mine took. We were visiting The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. I really like the combination of the rich tan colours of the bench with shades of blue on his clothes with pink and salmon colours of the walkway. ,

Mckay Blue is a mixture of Prussian Blue and Primary Blue. Titanium White was added later for highlights and used on his black coat and rucksack.

This small painting will soon be for sale in my gallery under portraits.

I used Heady Blue for the mid tones.

A distinguished gentleman reads the sunday newspaper at The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

An important healing colour bringing calm and serenity to the viewer, I find blue extremely relaxing for the body and mind.